Sunday, January 15, 2012

To Achieve One Goal - a picture a week

I would like to say that I could do a picture a day, but let's be realistic people...if I can forget to feed the dogs every now and then I am sure I will forget to post, or even take, a picture per day. So I am trying to not set myself up for failure. My ultimate goal is a picture a day but if I can post one picture per week, I can live with that.

Day One - 1/15/2012

Yeah...Its nothing fancy. But I did try out some editing, so its a success to me!

To Achieve One...Purpose?

Well, who knows? It seems like everyone has a blog now, and with the recent deletion (intentionally!) of my Facebook account I knew that I wanted to continue to communicate with people online but I no longer wanted to know all the little gossipy tidbits of their normal lives. OK, that's a lie. I love juicy gossipy tidbits, but I want to hear them in person! So, I jumped on the bandwagon. Well, since this is the fourth blog I've written, and the second I've published, then it's kinda like I jumped back on the bandwagon. I just hope I don't get all self-critical and delete the whole thing!

So this is me. I am newly 30, with two dogs, a cat, and a home that is never clean. I have been in the military but I don't talk about it much because I don't feel there is much to say about it, it was 13 years ago. I have been a receptionist/administrative assistant most of my working life, but I have studied law for 8 years now. I started with a bachelors degree as a paralegal but I never worked above the receptionist level at a law office. I started law school four years ago, and will be graduating in May of 2012, and taking the California Bar Exam in July of 2012.

I have a ton of interests and goals. I want to learn to play guitar, take better pictures and enjoy working out (I think its a learned enjoyment, because I sure don't enjoy it now). I want to do all this while I continue to do well in law school, study for the Bar Exam, and prepare to move to San Diego. Then the fun begins!